April 04, 2023

Palm Sunday Hosanna experiment

 I’d like to invite you to a time of imagination and experimentation.  You might want to read this first then close your eyes and imagine it with me. Take a moment to settle in your chair or pew or wherever you are at this moment.  Feel the floor beneath your feet, let your hands relax.  Take a deep breath and relax your shoulders.  Take another deep breath and relax your jaw.  Feel the chair holding up your body.  Let it support you so you can relax. 

Breath gently.  Notice the air going in and out of your body. The word Breath in the ancient Hebrew was the same word for life and Spirit.  Imagine the breath of life going into your throat, your lungs, your belly, gently rising and falling.  Find yourself becoming still as you feel your breath going up and down…

Imagine you are standing in a marketplace where vendors have tables out up and down a road.  People are selling fish and vegetables, wine and cloth, sheep and chickens.  As you wander past the many tables, you feel the warmth of the sun on your face.  You see soldiers marching by. Some are watching the shoppers.  The shoppers look nervous, complaining about the cost of things but not too loudly near the soldiers.  As you walk, you hear a noise from a loud crowd ahead of you.  You walk faster until you see the crowd.  They have palm branches in their hands and are crying out “Save us!”  Some are taking their coats off and scattering them on the ground.  You look up the road where others are looking and see a figure in the distance, slowly coming down towards you.  He is sitting on a young donkey, and there are people following behind him.  As he comes closer, you are surprised to see him looking solemn rather than happy.  His disciples look happy and wave excitedly to the crowd.

The donkey starts to bray and lays its ears back.  You reach out and pet him, joining the parade.  As you walk along, calming the donkey, you find yourself wondering who this person is that everyone is cheering and asking for help from.  You wonder if he has an answer to the questions you have.

You reach a large stone building in the centre of town, the temple.  You hold the donkey for the man to get off.  He looks at you and thanks you.  He asks you to tell him what is on your mind.  This is your time to share…

 He offers to give you something.  What does he give you?  Thank him for his wise words and gift.  Prepare to leave him and walk back to the marketplace. Notice any changes.  How does it feel? How does it look now?  Gently and gradually come back to awareness of your body.  Notice your breath going in and out of your body.  Notice the chair or pew supporting you.  Wiggle your toes and fingers. Move your shoulders. Return to this space.  When you are ready, open your eyes.

Take some time to explore these questions.  You might want to doodle or journal or share with someone.  You can even leave a comment below.  

What did you ask?  What did Jesus say? What did Jesus give you?

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